Sunday, February 27, 2005

February 26, 2005

Good Lord. It's only been 13 days since my last post, and you wouldn't believe what has happened! Nothing! Thirteen days, and nothing. Aside from the usual yelling at people hanging out on my block (why don't they just go home, I wonder?), haggling at the grocery store (who knew it was possible to negotiate a discount on rawhides for Lou?), and sleeping as much as possible, there has been no excitement, nothing interesting to say, and no meaningful moments to share. So sad.

Since I last wrote, Veronica and her friend Andrew came for a surprise visit (necessitating 2 hours of cleaning to little effect before they presented themselves on my doorstep) to see The Gates. I have to say, they are lovely. Check out this site to see them in all their glory: Lou has peed on them twice.

And, this site to see how clever folks debunk the "art" and make the "money":

Why didn't I think of that.

FYI -- On the chicken bone front, it's almost broken me, the counting. I'm only able to estimate anymore. So, here goes -- in the last 13 days, we have passed by roughly 250 bones (almost 10 per walk (at 2 walks per day) per day). Of those, I esimate the eat rate at about 5%, which means that:

Chicken Bones:
- Seen: 250
- Eaten: 13
- Spit out: 13
Total net worth if chicken bones were dollars, measured from January 3, 2005: 432.00

The only other interesting thing I have to say is about my trip to the laundromat today, where I wondered what the lone white man in the joint was thinking/feeling during the telecast of the Tavis Smiley Black Folks Fest on C-Span, wherein Louis Farrakahn, Rev. Al Sharpton, Cornel West (he is crazy, if you didn't know) and other academic, business, and politial leaders were basically beating up on The Man (which I took to mean The White Man) in a panel discussion. He seemed interested in the proceedings on the TV, but he could have just been pretending. I kind of felt sorry for him until I remembered all the times I've felt uncomfortable in places that I had a right to be. Interesting.

Time to walk the Lou. Later - j.


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