Damned Weekend.
So much to do, so little time. I had planned to spend some time cleaning my disgusting apartment and whatnot, but then, these delightful women put this photo on their blog today:

Now, I'll have to spend some time plotting out how to do the age-old ripple crochet afghan with all them colors!
My other weekend project was supposed to be hauling out this book:

Summer seems to have finally come to Chicago, and I need some dresses and skirts. Macy's was out of size giganticonormous, so I thought I'd whip up a few. What to do? What to do? If I haul out the sewing machine tonight, the weekend'll for sure be spent getting halfway through 8,000 projects. Maybe I should just take the time to plan out my projects so there's not 8,000 going at once. Oh, and clean my apartment.
So much to do, so little time. I had planned to spend some time cleaning my disgusting apartment and whatnot, but then, these delightful women put this photo on their blog today:

Now, I'll have to spend some time plotting out how to do the age-old ripple crochet afghan with all them colors!
My other weekend project was supposed to be hauling out this book:

Summer seems to have finally come to Chicago, and I need some dresses and skirts. Macy's was out of size giganticonormous, so I thought I'd whip up a few. What to do? What to do? If I haul out the sewing machine tonight, the weekend'll for sure be spent getting halfway through 8,000 projects. Maybe I should just take the time to plan out my projects so there's not 8,000 going at once. Oh, and clean my apartment.
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