Work is for suckers
I need to buy this book:

I'm not usually an ABW. On any given day, in my interactions with folks, I'm either SBW (S is for Sassy) or HBW (H is for Happy), but I save the angry for home. Sadly, I'm getting kind of angry lately. My own personal patholoogy (that it's important to me for some reason that people like me) is getting in the way of speaking the truth to people who REALLY need to hear it. It makes a gal angry, and today, it gave me hives. Seriously. My arms and hands are so puffy, I'm sure it's not just the usual fat. The crazy thing about this is, I'm 100% sure that the folks who are making me so mad are not even spending .01% of the time I am worrying about the situation. Maya is right -- they're stealing my joy! It must be stopped. I'd hate to have to sick my mom on someone, but I'm thinking about it ... seriously. She is fearless and fearsome! Okay, bad air out.
Good air in: I can sew, y'all! I got it on seriously tonight. The hardest part was figuring out how to thread the damned machine. But now? Zigzags, overstitch, free-form embroidery stitch. Get ready to get your vest! I'm making them all the same colors -- kelly green and lemon yellow, because it's just obnoxious. I'm also working on a baby blanket for my boss. I wish she would just give me the sonogram so at least I'D know the sex of the baby and could plan accordingly! There's not a lot you can do with pale green or pale yellow. Barf. I don't want to knit or crochet anything, but I have that as a backup. I really want to make this:

But, I think I'll have to go with something like this (but I'm new so I'll use squares, probably, not circles):

We'll see. She's not due until September, so I've got a few months to try, fail and try again. Later.

I'm not usually an ABW. On any given day, in my interactions with folks, I'm either SBW (S is for Sassy) or HBW (H is for Happy), but I save the angry for home. Sadly, I'm getting kind of angry lately. My own personal patholoogy (that it's important to me for some reason that people like me) is getting in the way of speaking the truth to people who REALLY need to hear it. It makes a gal angry, and today, it gave me hives. Seriously. My arms and hands are so puffy, I'm sure it's not just the usual fat. The crazy thing about this is, I'm 100% sure that the folks who are making me so mad are not even spending .01% of the time I am worrying about the situation. Maya is right -- they're stealing my joy! It must be stopped. I'd hate to have to sick my mom on someone, but I'm thinking about it ... seriously. She is fearless and fearsome! Okay, bad air out.
Good air in: I can sew, y'all! I got it on seriously tonight. The hardest part was figuring out how to thread the damned machine. But now? Zigzags, overstitch, free-form embroidery stitch. Get ready to get your vest! I'm making them all the same colors -- kelly green and lemon yellow, because it's just obnoxious. I'm also working on a baby blanket for my boss. I wish she would just give me the sonogram so at least I'D know the sex of the baby and could plan accordingly! There's not a lot you can do with pale green or pale yellow. Barf. I don't want to knit or crochet anything, but I have that as a backup. I really want to make this:

But, I think I'll have to go with something like this (but I'm new so I'll use squares, probably, not circles):

We'll see. She's not due until September, so I've got a few months to try, fail and try again. Later.
Go girl! Another talent!! That circle blanket is super cute! Go ahead and stretch for the circles though. It's softer geometry.
I have the same problem as you with saying how I really feel. But I'll still preach to the choir. Tell them!! If they don't like you, at least they'll respect you. Hmph!
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