Good News
Just kidding. Why can I do everything for everyone else, but can't get it together in my own life, I wonder. Hmmm. I'm sure the answer is right under the surface, but I'm just blocking it out.

This is me today. Durn. Or, as Florida Evans once said, "Damn, damn, damn." Lack of organization in my personal life is making it a misery. Perhaps if I stopped typing on this blog and actually sat down to make a list of everything I need to do, I could get a little bit ahead. Hey, there's a thought!

This is me today. Durn. Or, as Florida Evans once said, "Damn, damn, damn." Lack of organization in my personal life is making it a misery. Perhaps if I stopped typing on this blog and actually sat down to make a list of everything I need to do, I could get a little bit ahead. Hey, there's a thought!
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