Sunday, April 03, 2005

April 3, 2005

So, the FCC Presentation was a HUGE success. I spent an extra session on Saturday talking to the students about it, and am going to do another presentation in May for students from Stern. Big shakes! Most of this group were international students, which was interesting -- much more invested in the learning process than my American colleagues were when I was in law school. Privilege is deadly. Anyway, sadly, only one of them made it (no money) to the WOMMA conference, but he shared a good bit of information with the group that raised a bunch of questions re: legal and ethical issues and regulatory reform. Good, good, good stuff. I hope I keep the enthusiasm going -- it's just hard to come home after these things and not get caught up in the day-to-day, mouse-hunting, apartment-cleaning, dog-walking, business-starting work that I have to do.

In other news, my dog is the smartiest, partiest dog there is. Here's his new trick -- to get a treat, and also get to taste the chicken bones, he picks up the bone (yes, in his mouth. He's not THAT smart.) and then looks at me and spits it out, like, "Ptooey". Then, knowing he gets a treat for not eating the bone, he waits for me to give him one, since I've taken to carrying them in my coat pockets. (I can't say how many times I've reached in my pocket for my MetroCard and pulled out a Beggin Strip instead. Embarrassing.) This morning, he tried that trick with a rock ... and still got a treat. I am dumb.


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