See? That dog convinced my weekend houseguests (Mom and Auntie ... or, Meme & Sandy) into feeding him treats, or making me do it, at regular intervals FAR IN EXCESS of what I'd do, and I love that dog. I am tired, tired, tired. We went to the New York International Gift Fair to do some shopping for their store in Cincinnati (See the fair at www.nyigf.com <-- no link because I'm too tired to copy and paste the code). These are women who are justified in claiming their senior citizen discounts wherever they go, but they worked my ass like you wouldn't believe. Every bone in my body feels like it's being ground up. My pseudo-muscles are hurting. My HAIR even hurts from all the walking. But, we had fun, even though they worked me like

the good mule in August, as they say -- you know, if you have two mules, and one always works and the other never works, you get angrier at the worker mule when it gets tired than you do at the non-working slacker mule. That was me, the working mule. Here's what I heard all weekend, "Jenny" -- note, only my family calls me/can call me Jenny -- "Jenny, go find out what their minimum order is, and how much that costs ... oh, yeah, and how soon we can get it." Lord, I am TAHRD!
But, it was fun (and my house is so clean now because of all the preparation for their arrival). They stayed up until 2am in the morning, laughing, chatting -- it was nice to have company that talked instead of barking or mewing. And, more importantly, I got inspired -- inspired to make Uptown Hound awesome, to help Eula (my mom/aunt's store) be a success and have a wonderful website, and to do what they told me I could -- do work that makes me happy. We'll see. I'm all about the new mantra: My Life Gets Fixed in 2006!