Saturday, March 19, 2005

But also, re: the post below

I'm still broke and hungry, no matter the uplift I got from the movie. Just thought you should know.

Get It

So, I am not one of those people ... what are they called? Cinephiles? Cinematics? Whatever. Movies are okay, but I don't go to special venues to see them, or follow the work of specific directors/actors, etc. That said ... Have you seen In America? All the hopes I nurture for myself were voiced there -- that love is the same no matter your country of origin, your race or creed; that people can be good to each other without meaning to; that it's all going to be okay.

Is it contrived that the young heroine of the movie is as precocious as she is? You bet. Does the black man, who is also a sage of some sort, have to die to make the point about love? Okay, that's cliche. These are things that would otherwise make me crazed, but here, they work. Go see it right now.

A couple of things

There is a man is walking down 7th Avenue right now, and he wants you to know that this ain't no game and he ain't playing. He would also like to point out that this ain't Christmas. FYI.

It's a gorgeous day outside, sunny, 50s, not a cloud in the sky. I need to get out at some point and take advantage, since it's not often that a weekend day is this nice. The problem is finding something to do that doesn't involve money. I took Lou to Central Park this morning ... that was free. But, how many times can I do that? I don't even have bus fare this week. Maybe it's my fault. I could be a better money manager ... if only I had some money to manage. They say being rich won't make you happy, but I'm pretty sure that a few extra dollars would buy me some relief!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Good Things

So, even though I have only enough money to get to work tomorrow (which means not enough to get home after work), and today was pay day, and I have some big tumor in my belly (if you haven't heard this until now, sorry, it's scary! I will find out the real deal on Monday -- who knows? It could just be un-digested cheddar ... likely), I still believe there is a silver lining somewhere. It's not desperate and depressing like Sylvia Plath, it's more like Schleprock from the Flintsones, or any episode of Good Times -- just when it LOOKS like you're going to be okay, some bad-ass luck kicks you in the ass, you know?

Starting tomorrow, I'm going to buck the negative and finish what I started with Uptown Hound, Olive and Eula. I'll be posting pictures of the Olive products -- that's right, I figured out how to do it! -- and the items selected for the Uptown Hound online store. I have all this great pet-themed papercraft and knit/crochet-work (who doesn't want a bespoke pet bed, I say? The height of luxury for your pooch/kitty.) that I can't wait to share with you. And, that you won't be able to resist buying. Trust me. You want a grosgrain trimmed leash, don't you? Yes, you do. Shut up, you do.

The Uptown Hound website is nearing completion, and the Olive site is up and running, which is great news! Now, just to finalize the logo for Eula ... and get the business running,

On a side note, I'm thinking of calling The Dog Whisperer (See the National Geographic Channel) to come in and treat Louis. Why do you think he would take his rawhide bones and bury them underneath the covers on my bed? I find them every night. He is either neurotic or passive aggressive -- or, he has a wicked sense of humor. Peace out, y'alll - j.

March 15, 2005

Today was a good day ... or at least not the usual suck day. I got super-motivated at work to write the definitive piece on word-of-mouth/consumer-created marketing. Thanks to Pete Blackshaw and Intelliseek (check it out at I will surely be an office super-star by this time next week ... or next year ... or sometime. The point is, I may be poor (okay, there's no "may" about it, I am broke like Joe Theisman's leg, or the Enron bank, baby), I may live in a crap part of the city (The New Harlem Renaissance? More like the New Harlem Renegades), I may be fat (but that could be the tumor, according to the doctor -- I'll find out on Monday. Not kidding, here), and I may be poor (which I already said, but it's that bad, so I'll say it again), but things are looking up. Nevermind that my bank balance post-payday is $14.00. At least I'm in the black. More later ...!
In the meantime, read this for some good celebrity-based schaudenfreude: Peace out, y'all