Thursday, August 21, 2008

Practice Nice

Why you gotta act like that?

I don't always feel like I'm a particularly nice person, but I always act towards others with kindness, try to always act with respect if not for their opinion or idea, at least with their right to express it, and if I can't do even that, at least I just keep it to myself.

I don't understand why that's so hard for some of the people I come across in my work. I used to think I was part of a multi-year, multi-site psychiatric study on how unpleasant and privelged people (acting just that way) would eventually force me to act out. I don't mean real murder (again, too nice for that), but I'm not above good old fashioned cartoon murder. I can imagine me calling up Acme Industries for a top of the line anvil, or a couple of cans of black paint that I can use to paint a fake cave on the side of a wall--perfect for smaking into).

Anyway, I do wish they woulud stop is all. Until I can sleep for more than 2 hours a night, and until I can get soem important things in order in my life, I don't really have time to deal with grown people who act like children. I'm two seconds from pulling a Tom and Jerry on someone and smaking them in the face with a frying pan.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Things Are Bad

Things are pretty grim around here. Since August 1, I've been sleeping about 2 hours a night. In the last two days, I've had NO sleep. Even after I had a glass of wine. Anxiety. Burst a blood vessel in my left eye from stress. So busy, can't even type full sentences.

Too busy to clean house. It looks like a family of these:

has been breaking into my apartment every day while I'm at work and throwing things around just for the hell of it. How else to explain the level of laundry all over the floor. If I were a different kind of woman, I'd have a nervous breakdown right about now.