Monday, March 28, 2005

Monkey See, Monkey Fat

I'm getting ready to be offline, to get ready for my presentation "Corporate Communications Strategies -- FCC Regulation & Response". I know it sounds like dullsville, but I actually think it is going to start some good discussion in the group (provided I got the target right!). I'll be back with news of the outcome this weekend.

In the meantime, today, Burger King introduced a new omelet sandwich. Would you like to know what's in it? Okay, here it goes:
  • Two eggs
  • Sausage
  • Three strips of bacon
  • Two slices of American (blech!) cheese
  • A bun

Would you like to know what else is in it? You'll be sorry:


The thing is, I bet it's greasolicious, and I kind of want one right now, since I just had yogurt for lunch, but I think Hardee's already stole the "If you can't beat 'em join 'em" positioning with it's enormoburger. McDonald's, meanwhile, is busy getting healthy, Taco Bell is cheap and friendly ... spaces are filling up. What should the BK do?



Zico! is some delicious drink. I don't even like coconuts that much, but this 99.9% coconut water is 100% awesome. In all honesty, I bought it because the little package it comes in is so cute -- I just thought it was water. I'm so American. Put it in a shiny, pretty or pink box, bag or crate, and I'll take two, thank you very much. No wonder I'm broke!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Oh, my

So, I volunteer at at animal shelter, cleaning cages, staffing adoption events, etc. one or two days a month. I can't do fostering right now, because I am not home enough to provide good care, but I just got an email today re: dogs needing foster (so they're not euthanized because the shelter is full). This dog is too cute not to be adopted. Somebody better get her:


Sweet, sweet, sweet. And, look how cute. Unconditional love in that little package? You'd be a fool not to take her home with you.


Today is the day I get motivated -- spring is here, rebirth and rejuvenation is upon me! No more bad food, bad habits, bad attitude. Just fun, fun, fun, all the time!


Uptown is opening on April 15th. Gina at Ginagraphics did a great job on the logo -- one more revision, and we'll be good to go. And, Olive is up and running -- three clients! No money yet, but whatever, it's fun anyway, and it's not costing me anything. So, these are things to be thankful for and that provide some relief from an otherwise mundane life on 120th Street.

Speaking of 120th Street, did you know there was something called Rap Snacks? I saw an empty package on the street when I was walking Lou this morning. Thank the Lord for Russell Simmons' Hip Hop Yoga to act as a counter to high-fat, high-calorie, low-nutrition foods marketed to people of color. It's a good bet, these aren't available in Whole Foods.



Whew. I'm just saying.

Bad Hair Day

Also, this is what my hair looks like right now. I have to find a cheap sylist:

afro ken
Originally uploaded by douggiedoo16.

Some Fun Stuff

Here is the view out of my living room window across the street:

View out the LR windoww

Here is the view standing on my stoop, and looking east:

From my front stoop looking east