Friday, September 25, 2009

I have a leetle shopping problem.

- Image from AssistOn

Like, why, for instance, would I need to buy these crayons? There's no rational reason. I suppose it's a good thing I can't speak Japanese ... yet.
New WIPs!

I've three on the needles right now. Another EZ Tomten jacket for my cousin Jacob. Got to do finishing this weekend so I can send it off in time for his birthday. I fear it won't fit him if I wait for Christmas. Pix coming.

Then, the Rosamund Cardigan. I bought the yarn for this at Stitches Midwest, but not on purpose. I wanted to make the Alpaka Tunic. I looked at the instructions, though, and well... TLDNR. I'm through the collar and the first button hole. Pix coming on Monday.

Then there's this beauty, the Swiss Cheese scarf in Kauni yarn. I love that stuff!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yes, I went there.

To Stitches Midwest, that is. We had a VERY fun time - I laughed so much that weekend. And, I learned a lot and bought even more. The main thing I learned is this:

Just because you knit it doesn't mean you should wear it.

You know who you are.

Here are photos of Cousin Deb and Auntie Eunice (I didn't let them photograph me.)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On the run.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn. I can't get enough. For some reason, rather than feeling like things are over, or that we should be preparing for hibernation, I find I've more energy and feel clearer as summer droops away and fall arrives crisp and fresh.

I know it's not really autumnal, but R.T. Smith's Illumination brings me to fall, somehow. I think it's that this is the time when every green thing and flower seems brighter and flashier, wanting us to pay attention and be grateful -- green fervor, that's it. The impatients on my front stoop will not quit. I've never seen them so pink and so green, and the ivy... oh, the ivy. I felt last week that it might grab me up. Anyway, here's to fall, and here's the poem:

As if some monk
bored in the cold scriptorium 
had let his quill
wander from the morning Gospel,

two tendrils  of wisteria
have scrolled their green fervor
into the weave of a wicker
deck chair

to whisper with each spiral,
every sweet leaf
and dew sparkle,
Brother, come with us, come home

Thanks, R.T. Smith.
And another one to watch:

Bronx Princess Trailer from Yoni Brook on Vimeo.

Monday, September 21, 2009

This is where my sister lives and does amazing work:

I can't wait to put visuals to the narratives I have in my head from listening to her.