The Bitch is Back
So, that last post? I meant it, and how. Toda:y, I called in sick to work ... because I WAS SICK. My cell phone shows 31 calls from the good people I call my colleagues. New attitude in effect immediately. I will smile my happy black ass off every day I go in to work, and only give as good as I get. The rest of the time will be spent on super fun shit like re-habbing Uptown Hound's retail space:
And that was just in one day! Floor ripped up, built-ins removed, huge credenza cut down to people-sized. Thank the Lord for one thing going right. I'm glad to be back. Tomorrow, photos of the inventory ... you'll crap your pants, it's so great!


And that was just in one day! Floor ripped up, built-ins removed, huge credenza cut down to people-sized. Thank the Lord for one thing going right. I'm glad to be back. Tomorrow, photos of the inventory ... you'll crap your pants, it's so great!