Etsy Countdown Starts Tonight

Thank heavens my friends and colleagues are creative and supportive. I've got some excellent things in the works just now and will link to the new site tomorrow (hopefully!)
I feel a bit of the good kind of scatterbrained-ness coming on. There is knitting. There are thumbs to knit (three), mittens to start (6), a surprise stand-out-in-a-crowd project (made with a hand-cranked sewing machine, no less).
There's also reading. First on the list is The Emperor's Babe, by Bernadine Evaristo. I need to finish by tomorrow so I can, without guilt, get her newest, Blonde Roots. I may have to name a project after Bernadine Evaristo ... more on that later.
There's also getting excited about work in a different way. I've stopped deleting my psfk (among other) mail, and feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things. I have a whole list of professional reading I'm putting together, too -- too bad the Chicago Public Library (which I LOVE) has put a hit out on me. I was going everyday before the Holidays - made it easy to return things. Now, not so much. The blizzard and the snow and the fact that it's often 40 below (which is hard on the hands, when you don't have finished mittens)has made it difficult. So difficult that I now owe them $22. I feel really bad that someone probably is desperate to get their hands on the copy of Small Scale Livestock Farming: A Grass-Based Approach for Health, Sustainability, and Profit I have. I read it, too. That's how I found out about this woman, and signed up for her class. Hot.